A 6 week online course for parents and carers of teenagers.
Mondays 7pm - 8.30pm
(starting in Sept 2022) Resourcing yourself as a parent/ carer is a vital and effective way of providing your teenager with a secure holding, maintaining a healthy relationship as they navigate adolescence and mature into a young adult.
We will provide helpful information, tips, resources and also signpost people to appropriate further advice, and guidance.
The course will offer guidance, information, support and a practical set of tools for parents and carers. It is designed for parents of teenage young people ranging from 13 yr olds to 19 yr olds.
We will address many of the concerning challenges that both young people and parents face. Our trainers will share up to date research on child development, information on navigating the teen years, and neuro science based research to help you best understand the needs of your teen and effectively respond in ways which will be of benefit.
Here is a brief over view:
Understanding trauma informed practice and family systems approaches. Enquiry based approaches into current situations which are both challenging and looking for the potential opportunities.
Deepening understanding of the wider situation:
What are our young people doing and why?
Educating about what young people are listening to and have access to.
Expectations of young people in our society and how to help the young people in our lives to navigate their next steps.
The role of empathy and what to do when it runs out.
How to make positive choices together with young people.
How to educate young people about the potential dangers present, whilst allowing them room to explore and to experiment- ways to navigate this common predicament.
Teaching and practical use of models for clean communication- based on NVC ( Non Violent Communication)
How to lovingly set clear boundaries and why they are essential.
How to meet challenges when boundaries are not adhered to and agreements are broken.
The role of accountability and where and when to implement it.
Consequences and learning from them rather than 'punishment based and shaming approaches'
Sharing more about how young people thrive ( research based)
Understanding teenage development to better understand your teen.
The importance of tough love and getting the balance of love in the toughness and toughness in the love.
Understanding teenage culture in 2021 ( with teenagers speaking with us directly)
Addressing the concerns arising:
mental health specifically addressing: Eating disorders Addiction ( drugs and alcohol) Self injury/self harm Anxiety and depression Consent Sexuality/ gender Environmental anxiety (eco anxiety) Behavioural challenges. Additional Needs Therapeutic support.
We will also explore the role of family and wider community support with the understanding that the teenage years are initiatory for everyone involved.
COST: It is 60 pounds for the whole course 10 pounds per session ( we have several bursary places so do apply if needed)
There are limited places on this course so do book on to secure your place.
BOOKINGS Book your place here:
Nearly every day, we encounter teachers, and parents who are desperately seeking answers for how to help young people overcome “challenging behaviours.” We understand the frustration…the sad truth is that the traditional strategies we have for helping and supporting young people are failing. Especially methods that focus on correcting behaviours aren’t working for the simple reason that they don’t take into consideration the reasons underlying behavioural challenges: the young person's individual differences and the state of the young person's nervous system.
Each person has a unique background, different strengths and challenges, and are at different points in their development. They require customized plans, rooted in science, that are specific to their needs. That’s why we are excited to invite you to join us and learn a new and effective approaches to helping young people and their caregiver.
Based on our collective experience of decades of work with young people and adults.
Our aim is to share a variety of tried and tested approaches to help resource parents and carers in their ongoing support of the teenagers.
ONE TO ONE support:
We also offer one to one sessions for parents and teens. Parenting Coaching for the teen years.
Do get in touch with us for more information by contacting us via this website.