Pathways Regenerative Living.
Designed and facilitated by change makers for change makers.
With both online and in person opportunities to come together with others.
Join us for an immersive, and educational experience of intergenerational murmuration, exploring who we are now, what is needed now and what is possible together?
How we got here?
In 2020 we received funding to run a short course to help us identify the needs arising for a course that aims to bring together young people and older people. We saw a need to bring people who are committed to change making and being the change they want to see in the world together across generations for sharing of ideas, raising awareness, wisdom sharing, dysgu practices ( teaching and learning) for mutual inspiration, support, and resilience.
All with a specific focus on environmental work and how to bring collective regenerative practices and principles into the heart of our lives, and any work which promotes health and well being of people and planet.
This initial funding to help us to lead a consultation - held online due to the Pandemic, then grew into Intergenerational Murmuration and throughout the winter of 2021 and 2022 we gathered in person across ages to eat together and explore a variety of theme based topics to help stimulate discussions and enquiry based sharing.
Through creative, and embodied enquiry based practices we explored current topics of both local and Global interest and concern. This has helped to inform our content and we invite you to come and murmurate with us, to nurture opportunities to be together across generations and to help inform our collective emergence as we continue to vision and action the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.
We warmly invite you join us for an immersive and interdisciplinary series of sessions rooted in the wisdom that as human beings, we have biologically evolved in deep relationship with each other across all ages and with nature as nature.
Course Leaders
The course will be held by Ianto Doyle and Liz Terry, co founders of Pathways To Ventures and a team of Guest Facilitators and Contributors, all bringing decades of skills and experiences into the content and design of this extraordinary work for extra ordinary times, being offered as a way to fully meet this moment.
Our love in action for the times we are navigating individually and collectively and for the emergent future.
What will we be doing and why?
Through Dysgu practices ( a Welsh word meaning 'teaching and learning' ) there will be opportunities to learn, explore and discuss a variety of current issues, involving information sharing, and creative experiential methodologies.
- Collaboration , community, belonging, difference and inter dependence.
- Re weaving the human family as an act of radical resistance.
- Experiential ways to co create culture shift through nature based learning, re centring creative expressions of song, embodiment/movement, rhythm, music, and threshold ritual.
- Generating visioning and gathering collective intelligence into positive action, whilst simultaneously tending to well being ( ie not running on burn out cycles)
- Sharing of psychological embodiment based research of trauma informed practice.
- Attunement techniques to help to develop a more acute and embodied awareness during these times of immense turbulence and transition.
- Tending to dreaming, to visioneering, becoming, and sensing into individual intentions and oaths.
- Cultivating the conditions in which belonging, safety, joy, boundaries, collaboration and a sense of enoughness can thrive and sharing those.
- Effective ways to help to grow trust, hope and faith which in turn can help to strengthen and resource resilience.
- To move towards a ‘power with/freedom with' paradigm' to deeply serve life.
- To practice, and co witness liberation and co healing practices - intersectionality work of race, class (socio economic) and gender.
- To live into ways of being that express the truth of who you are and who we are in our deep longing and our complex entanglement.
- To educate and be educated by ongoing de colonising processes with inquiry based holding and dysgu.
- Learning more about the gateways of the heart, moving through truth, love, beauty and belonging.
- Generating more trust, safety and belonging - some measures of how it is all going.
- Sharing the basics of being human - sharing food, singing, music, making / crafting and dancing together.
- Sharing teaching and learning authentic communication, conflict resilience practices and processes, with dialogue based partner and small group work.
- Being in circle, games and a raft of creative ways to explore what now for your self , with others other and being with your whole human experience in the great web of life.
- Work on the multiple layers of our beingness, of, in and with nature with nature art, sensory immersion, eco therapy
- Learn more about practical ways of meeting these times- housing co ops, land based communities, eco villages, taking these things into mainstream.
- Undoing the harms, the harming and harmfulness of the past.
- Tending to Shadow , exploring maps of wholeness with archetype wisdom and a commitment to acknowledging and working with unconscious bias.
- Learning from deep democracy models.
- Working with the importance of being in intergenerational relationship and collaboration.
- Including past ancestral realm and future generations.
- Sharing trauma informed practices and approaches for restorative and reparative relationships to thrive.
- Co creating safety in containers and group holding. Tending to the field of belonging, sharing effective ways to navigate strong emotions and conflict resilience for reconciliation and repair to be nurtured.
The content of the course is designed by and informed by change makers, therapists, facilitators, visionaries, activists, thought leaders and community movers and shakers.
We intend to have some fun as we recognise and understand the immense value and deep intelligence of play as well as deepening and expanding our capacity to 'being with' what arises.
We understand that our mainstream dominant culture has diminished our expansive, innovate nature and that un leashing our wild playful creativity is a big part of what is needed now to help energise the changes needed.
We hope that you can join this evolution as we move from 'workshop culture' into new paradigm, rooted in care, belonging, inclusivity and equality with global and local action with awareness.